Thank you for your interest in my services.

Go to FORMS in the navigation bar above or click here. These forms can be printed and brought with you OR emailed to me at: Please note if you answer YES to any of the Covid-19 Pre-Screening Questions, I need to know prior to you coming for your appointment. Texting is best: 705-927-4523 or phone me at 705-749-5856.
#1 Health History
#2 Consent to Treat Sensitive Areas
#3 COVID Pre-Screening Questionnaire

• Please park on the street as close to the white post at the end of our driveway as possible so others can park behind you. (Note: In snowy weather, if the street has not been plowed, please park in the driveway). If you have mobility issues please park in the driveway.
• Use the HAND SANITIZER that is available (a local Swish Maintenance product) then ring the doorbell as the door is locked.

As mandatory masking has ended, it will be your choice if you wish to wear a mask during treatment. Also, if you prefer that I wear a mask, please let me know. If you are experiencing any potential symptoms, we can both wear masks as a precaution and maintain your appointment unless you have tested positive for Covid 19. Please know that lying face down in a face cradle with a mask on may not be tolerated by some people. We can discuss this at the time of your appointment.

Use the hand sanitizer BEFORE leaving the treatment room. If you forget, there is a vessel of hand sanitizer in the front hallway as well. Your receipt will be placed under the bottle of hand sanitizer as a reminder to use it.

Sometimes folks can experience muscle soreness after a massage, especially if they have never had one or it has been a long time. Typically you may feel a bruised, achy feeling. I try to reconnect with each individual in their choice of contact two days or so after our initial appointment.
Please anticipate the following questions:
A) How are you feeling after our appointment?
B) Are you feeling better than before our appointment, worse or no change?
C) If any remedial exercises or hydrotherapy have been suggested to you, how is that going? Any questions?

For many folks (unless dealing with an ‘acutely’ painful issue which would require appointments spaced out at a more frequent interval, e.g. once or twice weekly), most do a maintenance of bi-weekly to 6 weeks. It is expected by our governing College to develop treatment plans to provide optimum, professional care. When I suggest a treatment frequency plan based on our findings of your condition, at the end of the day, it is your call. Having said that, I would like to impart the message below.

Most people know more about and care for their cars and computers than they do their own human frame. They have limited information about their own body (you only get one vehicle in this life and you cannot get spare parts for everything).

I love to educate all my clients so we can work together as a team to help you feel better physically and mentally. Stress is a very insidious condition. Please check out an article I found online on – Stress Management – Chronic Stress: Definition, Traits, Causes, Symptoms.

Additionally, lots of people are not even aware they have Extended Healthcare Benefits (EHB) that cover our professional services. If you don’t have EHB coverage for massage, did you know our services can be included in medical expenses at tax time? Save all these receipts. You can claim the total of the eligible expenses minus the lesser of the following amounts: $2,397 or 3% of your net income. Your accountant can best advise you on this as this CRA guideline may change.

Angela Hill, RMT, RCRT, RYT, FIS, Cert Pilates Mat + Large Equipment
Body Essentials Massage Therapy, Health & Lifestyle Services
6 Bayleaf Court, Peterborough, ON K9K 1A3
PHONE: 705-749-5856   CELL: 705-927-4523 (texting)